Monday, May 6, 2013


A much more under the radar movie that I loved when I was a child was Heavyweights.  This was a movie all about kids going to fat camp. The only problem was that the nice kind owners of the camp were bought out by Tony Perkis Sr the lighting fixture king and is going to be ran by Tony Perkis Jr. (Played by Ben Stiller). This movie was hilarious and it still makes me laugh today. The basic story plot is that Tony Perkis Jr. is an ego maniacal camp counselor. The kids then try to revolt and take over the camp for themselves and try to beat camp MVP which was all athletic kids in the Apache relay. Ben Stiller is hilarious in this movie and this movie is definitely underrated in my opinion. For everyone who has ever seen this movie they know all about the buddy system... BUDDAAAYYYY  If I can ever find it in one of the $5 bins at walmart I will buy it unfortunately I have still not found it but I will continue the search. I guess I could always order it from Amazon but that wouldn't be very 90's of me.

Home Alone

Another great movie I remember from the 90's was Home Alone. This was a movie about a kid who was left obviously home alone when his family left for vacation. This movie was and still is one of the funniest movies that I've seen just because of the things Macaulay Culkin's character Kevin says. It was really good because when I was a child I always wanted to stay home alone and this was like a guide to what I would do if burglars tried to break into my house. Granted if this ever happened in real life a child would not be able to stop them but it was nice to dream. They had a few sequels but really the only good ones were the first and second one with the same actors and actresses. I'm sure that everyone out there still remembers the "AAHHHHHHHH" scene when Kevin puts the aftershave on his face and it burns him. I used to imitate this all the time when i was a child.

Space Jam

One of my favorite movies as a child was Space Jam. This was an epic movie with the Looney Tunes and of course The greatest of all time Michael Jordan. This was not just a movie. They had so many other products that went along with it. I remember I had the whole bed set that went with it. I had the video game for playstation and I also had my own Tunes team jersey. The movie was great and was basically about aliens that came to earth and took over the bodies of some of the top NBA players at the time, (Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Shawn Bradley, Larry Johnson, and Muggsy Bogues). The problem for the aliens was that MJ was playing baseball at the time so they did not take his power. The aliens wanted to bring the Looney Tunes back home to their planet, Moron Mountain, and make them entertain them for ever. Well of course MJ and the the Tune Squad beat the aliens and save the world. That was a very short synopsis of the movie and I recommend everyone go out and watch it. I have heard talk of having a remake of the movie featuring either Lebron James or Kobe Bryant but no movie will ever compare to the original with MJ.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


For my next posts I am going to be going through some of my favorite movies from the 90's both children's movies and adult movies. This was a different era in hollywood and cinema had a lot less to work with but they still made some great movies. There wasn't all of the computer animation (CGI) and everything that we have today.

Can't Talk About Video Games Without Mentioning This...

When we were younger video games were not on discs. They were on Tapes. This is very different than today, but in my opinion it is better. The whole reason it is better is that you could fix any video game problem by simply taking it out and blowing in the tape and in the console. This was the golden rule of video game repair at the time. It was so much more cost efficient than having a scratch on a disc and having to replace the game. 

Super Nintendo

Might as well stay on the video games topic and talk about the other great invention of a kids life in the 90's, the Super Nintendo. This was my favorite video game system by far. I did like my sega genesis because it was my first game but the Nintendo was way better. They had so many more games and so many better games. The best games for the Super Nintendo were obviously all of the Mario games, Donkey Kong games, a game called Plok, the Kirby games, and of course all of the Zelda games. I used to stay up all night with my friends trying to beat Donkey Kong and it took me until I downloaded them for Wii about 5 years ago to actually do so. I also never fully beat the best game for Super Nintendo in my opinion which was Super Mario World. I've played that game probably thousands of times throughout my entire life and have never actually beat it which is actually pretty sad. A lot of people probably don't know what Plok is so I have provided an image below to see if they remember.

Best Sega Games In My Opinion

Sega had many great games but in my opinion the best few were all the Sonic the Hedgehog games, all of the double dragon games, and the ninja turtles game. These games really bring me back to my childhood and even with all of the crummy graphics compared to the games we have now I would still love to play these games right now. Sonic was just a classic game that never got old. I even bought it for my ipod when I was in highschool. This was the first of many Sonic games. Now they have all kinds of different ones with many different characters. The first one that I had only had Sonic and Tails, and you couldn't even play with tails he just kind of followed you around. Now they have all kinds of different characters but none of them can beat the original Sonic. Another game I really like was the Double Dragons game. It was definitely one that I spent countless hours playing as a child. It kind of makes me want to play these again because now I would be able to beat them and understand how to play a lot better than when I was like 6 years old.