Saturday, April 27, 2013

Super Nintendo

Might as well stay on the video games topic and talk about the other great invention of a kids life in the 90's, the Super Nintendo. This was my favorite video game system by far. I did like my sega genesis because it was my first game but the Nintendo was way better. They had so many more games and so many better games. The best games for the Super Nintendo were obviously all of the Mario games, Donkey Kong games, a game called Plok, the Kirby games, and of course all of the Zelda games. I used to stay up all night with my friends trying to beat Donkey Kong and it took me until I downloaded them for Wii about 5 years ago to actually do so. I also never fully beat the best game for Super Nintendo in my opinion which was Super Mario World. I've played that game probably thousands of times throughout my entire life and have never actually beat it which is actually pretty sad. A lot of people probably don't know what Plok is so I have provided an image below to see if they remember.

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