Sunday, March 3, 2013

You Got A Friend In Me

This is going to be my last post on Disney cartoon movies for a while but there might be more to come soon especially if requested, unless I've never seen the movie or don't like it. I will now bring you back before Nemo, before Cars, and before The Incredibles. I will bring you back to the first Pixar-Disney collaborated movie. If you don't know what I'm talking about by now you aren't a 90's kid. I am of course talking about Toy Story. This was a great movie and it was one of the first computer animated movies ever made. It is about something that we all thought about from time to time. What if our toys were alive? This movie examines several different toys living their lives and trying to escape evil children and be with their owner, ANDY. The two main toys are Woody and Buzz Lightyear. The two don't get along at first but learn to get along with each other and end up becoming best friends. They get stuck in a lot of bad situations but they always make it out together. There are a few other crowd favorites such as Mr. Potato Head, the Slinky Dog, and Rex  the T-Rex. This was a great movie and I know when I was younger I hoped that all of my toys would come alive and have adventures just like ANDY's toys did. This wraps up the Disney cartoon movie time for now until I think of some more to do.  I still have a lot of other topics to cover so stay tuned for more 90's memories.

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