Saturday, April 27, 2013


For my next posts I am going to be going through some of my favorite movies from the 90's both children's movies and adult movies. This was a different era in hollywood and cinema had a lot less to work with but they still made some great movies. There wasn't all of the computer animation (CGI) and everything that we have today.

Can't Talk About Video Games Without Mentioning This...

When we were younger video games were not on discs. They were on Tapes. This is very different than today, but in my opinion it is better. The whole reason it is better is that you could fix any video game problem by simply taking it out and blowing in the tape and in the console. This was the golden rule of video game repair at the time. It was so much more cost efficient than having a scratch on a disc and having to replace the game. 

Super Nintendo

Might as well stay on the video games topic and talk about the other great invention of a kids life in the 90's, the Super Nintendo. This was my favorite video game system by far. I did like my sega genesis because it was my first game but the Nintendo was way better. They had so many more games and so many better games. The best games for the Super Nintendo were obviously all of the Mario games, Donkey Kong games, a game called Plok, the Kirby games, and of course all of the Zelda games. I used to stay up all night with my friends trying to beat Donkey Kong and it took me until I downloaded them for Wii about 5 years ago to actually do so. I also never fully beat the best game for Super Nintendo in my opinion which was Super Mario World. I've played that game probably thousands of times throughout my entire life and have never actually beat it which is actually pretty sad. A lot of people probably don't know what Plok is so I have provided an image below to see if they remember.

Best Sega Games In My Opinion

Sega had many great games but in my opinion the best few were all the Sonic the Hedgehog games, all of the double dragon games, and the ninja turtles game. These games really bring me back to my childhood and even with all of the crummy graphics compared to the games we have now I would still love to play these games right now. Sonic was just a classic game that never got old. I even bought it for my ipod when I was in highschool. This was the first of many Sonic games. Now they have all kinds of different ones with many different characters. The first one that I had only had Sonic and Tails, and you couldn't even play with tails he just kind of followed you around. Now they have all kinds of different characters but none of them can beat the original Sonic. Another game I really like was the Double Dragons game. It was definitely one that I spent countless hours playing as a child. It kind of makes me want to play these again because now I would be able to beat them and understand how to play a lot better than when I was like 6 years old.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


The first video game console I had when I was a kid was a Sega. My grandfather got it for me when I was probably too young to even know what I was doing but I remember playing Sonic The Hedgehog for hours on end. This was the greatest invention in life for a kid up until that point. I know that it wasn't the first video game system ever but it was the first one I ever had and it was the best to me. Of course the graphics weren't anything compared to the graphics we have now but at that time it was amazing. There were so many  great games for Sega and I would get almost all of them. I remember all of the kids from around the neighborhood would want to come to my house and play my games even though they were a lot older but since I had the best games they wanted to "be my friend". It was a great time to be a kid and I wouldn't trade it for anything.


I look forward to telling my kids back in my day we didn't have discs that played movies and music and we were not able to just download things to the TV or computer. We used to have a VCR. A VCR was our generations form of a DVD or Blue Ray player. It used to play VHS tapes. They were big bulky tapes that were like a jumbo version of a music cassette tape which of course kids now a days don't know what a cassette tape is either. Everything now comes on a disc and the younger generation knows nothing else. This was a simpler yet harder time especially for watching movies. We actually had to rewind and fast forward through whole movies there was no scene selection or skip chapter feature. Times were really rough.  There was a great invention however a VHS Re-winder  This thing was heaven sent. You could rewind the whole movie in a matter of seconds rather than waiting forever for the VCR to rewind it. The only other fast way was the ole stop rewind which worked relatively well but nowhere near as fast as a VHS Re-winder  Rewinding was such a big deal because if you ever got a tape out to watch and it wasn't rewound it was the biggest pain to have to rewind it before watching it.

Food for Thought

There were many different foods I remember from the 90's, Most of them of course being candy and other junk food. Some of the candy is still around today so it isn't like kids these days don't have what we had but they were originated in the 90's. The first thing that I thought of was the Ring Pop. I used to love these candy suckers. They were of course shaped like a giant diamond ring but they were so delicious. Another candy that I thought of was the push pop. These too are still around today but hit their popularity in the 90's. Capri Sun also started in the 90's and are still around today. These were definitely the drink of choice behind Sunny D of course which is the best orange juice ever, probably because it isn't real orange juice.

Some of the food that I remember that they don't have today are fruit string things. These were comparable to fruit roll ups and other candy like that. They were probably my favorite out of all the fruit candy and I really don't know why they were the candy that got the hook. Another junk food that I remember from the 90's that they don't have today is the Oreo O's cereal. I remember this was the best cereal ever and granted they did have it until 2007 it started in the 90's and it was beyond amazing. It is unfortunate that we will never be able to eat again. There are of course many more foods from the 90's that we will never see again but that's a list too deep to go into.